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Is this family of intestinal bacteria improving animal performance?

The family Erysipelotrichaceae, which is probably quite unknown to most, is an emerging group of bacteria in the phylum Firmicutes, which contains species originally classified into Clostridial subphylum clusters XVI & XVIII. In the cecum of broiler chickens, Erysipelotrichaceae is considered to be part of the core microbiota, comprising a […]

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Poor DNA recovery seriously compromises the validity of microbiota analysis

Investigation of bacterial composition by culturing techniques is laborious and prone to strong bias, since the growth requirements of many bacteria are still unknown and therefore cannot be provided under laboratory conditions. To overcome these drawbacks, culture-independent molecular methods based on amplification of 16S rRNA genes have been introduced to […]

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A unique combination technique provides a major improvement in detection of differences in microbiota composition

Most DNA-based methods for intestinal microbiota characterisation rely on PCR amplification with broad-range primers at an early stage of the protocol. Even though reference is frequently made to ‘universal primers’ capturing all bacteria, strictly speaking such oligonucleotides do not exist. Therefore, general bacterial analysis based on 16S rDNA sequencing is […]

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